Kadean Vendryes, JP

PositionCaribbean Associate

Contact Details

Email: kadean.vendryes@angliaresearch.co.uk

Kadean is a justice of the peace and a former banker based in Kingston, Jamaica. She is also a licensed realtor, with qualifications in land and business law.

A keen genealogist, she will soon be in her fourth year with Anglia Research, helping to ensure that when members of the Caribbean diaspora die intestate in the UK, their relatives in Jamaica, or elsewhere in the Caribbean, receive their rightful inheritance.

Her in-depth knowledge of local archives, as well as of the diverse cultures and ethnicities of the region, make her input invaluable.

To find out more about Kadean’s role, read this interview with our Caribbean probate research team.

I thoroughly enjoy trying to solve the mystery of each case, which always has a unique story. On the one hand, it’s sad to have to inform relatives that the case subject has passed away, sometimes years ago, but it is rewarding beyond one’s imagination to see the closure it brings when relatives have been searching for their loved ones for years upon years.

The beneficiaries are so appreciative of the research done by our team, even beyond the inheritance that they stand to gain.


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