Anglia Research has provided genealogical services for solicitors for over 40 years.

We set the standard for heir location and finding next of kin.

We employ more accredited genealogists*, legally qualified, and independently regulated staff than any other UK probate research company. Our reputation for thoroughness and integrity is second to none.

Whether you are faced with an intestacy or need to trace a person or a document, we can help you. For example, we can trace:

  • legal beneficiaries in cases of intestacy,
  • missing heirs named in a will,
  • missing shareholders,
  • pension fund holders and their legal beneficiaries,
  • relevant grants and civil records.

We can also locate other relevant people such as trustees, executors, and title holders.

We offer a fast, friendly, and affordable service – and, like you, we are determined to arrive at a legally sound outcome. We don’t cut corners. Our forensic reports and conclusions can be relied upon and are readily accepted for missing beneficiary indemnity insurance.

Our headquarters are in Ipswich, we have a town-centre office close to the General Register Office in Southport, satellite offices around the country and a global network of over 200 agents.

You can find out more about us in our solicitors’ FAQ, our list of services, and our clients’ testimonials.

If you have a problem that you think we could help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

*members of AGRAASGRA, and AGI. For more details, please see our accreditation page.

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Information For Solicitors

Our services

Whether you need to locate a missing beneficiary, undertake an international bankruptcy search, or require verification of a family tree, we can help.

View our services

Our fees

Our scale and scope of charging is entirely flexible, designed to meet the needs of a client on a case by case basis. We do not seek to tie you into a particular model just to suit our business; we recognise your duty to your client.

More about our fees

Solicitor Testimonials

Anglia Research has worked with a number of solicitors over the years with great success for their clients. View testimonials to see their experience of working with us.

Solicitor Testimonials

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Anglia Research and Anglia Research Services are trading names of Anglia Research Services Limited, a company registered in England and Wales: no. 05405509

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